23 January 2009

This. Is. Amazing.

David Bergman over at All Access created an amazing digital panorama combination shot of the inauguration on the mall. It is comprised of 220 digital photos, taken with a Canon G10, controlled by a GigaPan robotic arm, and stitched together with GigaPan software. It ended up at 1,474 Megapixels, and the final product was almost 2 Gigabytes!

Click here
to check out the shot on his blog. The controls are identical to Google maps, so zoom in, zoom out, and pan are all fair game. If you were there, try to find yourself, Where's Waldo? style!

All I can say is: Wow! I could explore this for hours!

1 comment:

Jodi Russey said...

ya, whoa, that is really amazing.