I'm putting together some research for a little school project, so I put together a short survey regarding Twitter use. It shouldn't take too long. If you get a chance in the next few days to fill this out, please do – I would really appreciate it. Also, if you know any other Twitterers who might be willing to provide some information, please forward this on.
You can respond in the comments of this blog.
Twitter Use Survey
If you would like to remain anonymous, please exclude your real name and twitter name. I assure you that your identity will not be revealed in my research project.
1. Your name:
2. Twitter name: @
3. Age:
4. Occupation:
5. Number of years of post high school education:
6. Number of years in the workplace:
7. Number of years in your current industry:
8. To help understand your overall computer knowledge, how would you rate yourself? (beginner, normal office knowledge, programmer,etc.)
9. How often do you use social networking sites other than Twitter? (monthly, weekly, daily, multiple times per day)
10. About how many tweets on average did you post per day during the past month?
11. About how many tweets on average did you read per day during the past month?
12. About how many new followers did you obtain during the past month?
13. How many Twitter followers do you have in total?
14. About how many new Twitterers did you start following during the past month?
15. How many Twitterers are you following?
16. Did you feel that you were overly distracted from your work (professional, home, school) by Twitter at any time? If so, please explain.
17. Give specific examples of knowledge you gained through the use of Twitter.
18. Give specific examples of how you used Twitter to increase your productivity, personally and/or professionally.
19. Use this space for anything else you would like to share about your Twitter use.